Today was a long day! We started out at 7:45am and headed into Nashville. The kids had a portrait appt at 9:10am and then a dr appt at 11am. After having their pictures taken, we went over to the CVS that is practically within walking distance of their doctor's office. I wanted to get some of the photo books and my soyjoys I had a raincheck for. I was hoping that CVS would be out of the book covers so I could have more time to add pics and get a raincheck, but alas, when you want something to be out of stock, they have plenty. So I did my books, but was hoping to be able to buy some time. They still came out decent.
After the dr's appointments (all well! N had two vaccines and Z had one, and no crying from either of them!) we went to Whole Foods to get some Mambo Sprouts booklets and then lunch, then Publix for the week.
5 Photo books 7.99/ea (7.99 ecb earned each)
20 soyjoy 1.00/ea (1.00 ecb earned each)
2 Gold Emblem nuts $.99/ea ($2/2 CRT= FREE)
also used $4/$20 coupon emailed to me and started with $6.50 ecb
Total oop: $10.24
ecb's left: $20

Whole Foods
Went through the "one per purchase does not mean one per transaction" broo-haha with the cashier. Fun times.
4 Coconut Water O.N.E. single serve $1 (on sale) ($.75/1 Whole Foods coupon)
Total oop: $1.31
Total saved: $7.28
Publix was good! I got two more gas cards which messed up my normal low oop's, but other than those two cards, I had 100% savings. I'll list the items below, but keep in mind my oop includes two $50 gas cards. :)
Interestingly, I discovered that the gas cards are being limited to two per person (with the original coupon). I don't believe there was a limit on them when the original ad came out, so that's kind of messed up, but I was able to get the two I wanted, so no big deal. I had planned on one with some overage, but the other I decided spur of the moment, so it upped my oop. I could have gotten more overage, but I didn't want to use up all my good q's. I also had an odd thing happen- for the second transaction, my last coupon scanned was for the Bic Mechanical pencils. It was a $.50/1 coupon and I had two of them, the first one scanned and automatically doubled. When the second one scanned, it automatically doubled, but instead of taking off $.50, it took off $.26. (huh?) The pencils were $1 so it wasn't like it was doubling up to product sale price. It was weird. manager finally just scanned it again (so I got an additional $.76 off my total), and said don't worry about it. Very odd.
2 $50 gas cards ($10/$40 Publix coupon)
17 Band-Aids ($.50/1 mq, $5/3 Publix q's = Free+)
2 Band-Aid travel $.79 ($1/1 mq, $5/3 Publix q= Free+
2 J&J $1.99 ($1/1 mq, $5/3 Publix q's = Free+)
7 Reach Dental floss ($2/1 mq, $1/1 mq, $1/1 Publix q = Free+)
3 Apple and Eve juice $1.39 ($1/1 mq. $1/1 Publix q = Free+)
1 Taco Bell Dinner $1.35 ($1/1 mq = $.35)
12 Tylenol $3.48 ($2/1 mq, $2/1 Publix q = Free+)
2 Eggland's Eggs $2.49 ($.50/1 mq= $1.49/ea)
2 Fresh Express salads $2.50 ($1/1 Publix q= $1.50/ea)
1 bean sprouts $1.99 ($2/$5 FLip {combined with other $3 from Fresh Express)= Free)
3 Hefty Fresh Extend $1.95 ($1/1 mq, $1/1 Targetq wyb Hefty and produce= Free+)
4 Bic Mechanical Pencils $1 ($.50/1 mq= Free)
1 lb shrimp $7.99 (no q's)
3 Cheerios $2.50 ($1/1 mq= $1.50)
1 Extra Firm Tofu $2.99 (no q's)
3 Coffeemate $1.20 ($2/1, $1/1 mq's= Free+)
10 McCormick Grinders $1 ($1/1 mq= Free) {also got raincheck b/c they were out of sea salt)
Also used $5/$25 in three separate transactions
Total food tax: $1.38 (on one receipt, food tax showed as -.32. WTH?? I didn't know you could have negative tax??)
Total non-food tax: $9.75
Total oop: $70.38 (remember, $100 in gas cards)
Total savings: $252.28 (72%)
{not including the second gas card I threw in, my savings would have been 92%}
"Went through the "one per purchase does not mean one per transaction" broo-haha with the cashier. Fun times."
ReplyDeleteLOL. I love it when you use words like "broo-haha" in a sentence.
Oh, and awesome photo of the kiddos.
BTW, is the coconut water still on sale? Was it an in-store special because I don't see it in their ad this week?
ReplyDeletelol! broo-haha is a great word. :D
ReplyDeletethe coconut water was on sale yesterday, I don't know if it was a weekly, in-store or what. ? A friend mentioned the sale, and since we were next door getting the kids' portraits done, we walked over after for Mambo Sprouts booklets and I went to see if they were still at that price. They were. And let me tell you. $1.99 regular price? Who would pay that??
What a sweet picture of your babies!
ReplyDeleteMel- thank you :) I posted more pics on my other blog natalyasmama.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteCool, I will get over and look at them.
ReplyDeleteOn the Fresh Express salad I have been stacking a Publix Q with a FLip Q.
Back when I first started couponing, I thought I read or heard that Publix allows stacking of mfr. coupons, store coupons (which would be Publix Q) and/or competitor coupons (which would be FL, Target, etc.).
Mel- I know some people do that and some Publix will allow it, but I have also been told by some stores that they allow you to stack one manufacturer q and one "store" q, whether it's a Publix store q or a competitor store q. Since the store gets reimbursed for the mq's but not for the store q's, I feel guilty stacking two store q's, which they will not be reimbursed for either one. if that makes any kind of twisted sense?
ReplyDeleteMy Publix is so good to me already, and I feel bad stacking store q's, so it's one of those things I don't do. (although they probably would let me)
Hey, I went to Whole Foods yesterday to get my Coconut Water. Jason went into Whole Foods to get them for me and he walked out with one and told me that the cashier wouldn't let him use more than one coupon. I just laughed and went back into the store and bought the rest of them. Broo-haha.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, thanks for the great tip. I really love these!
Brandy, FYI....Publix competitor Q's are put out in conjunction with the manufacturer. The store gets benefits for offering these types of coupons. They are not a loss for Publix in most cases. The only loss is from the competitor coupon.
ReplyDeleteyou're welcome for the coconut water info :) Glad they were still on sale.
ReplyDeleteYep- I know that Publix often gets some kind of reimbursement for the store q's... but I still feel bad since I don't know if they are for sure getting them on that item or not. *shrug* Just one of my things I guess. :)