Then I HAD to go to Walgreens- They paid me! Today through Saturday when you purchase $25, you get a $5 rr back. $25 in anything. pre-coupon!! So- buy free things and get money back.
(On a side note- I'd like to say that I finally found the area where I can adjust size and color of text on my posts. YAY!)
3 Betty Crocker Fruit Shapes
1 Betty Crocker Fruit by the Foot
1 Betty Crocker Fruit Stickers
2 Fiber One yogurt
4 Sobe Lifewater {Their blasted bogo coupons worked. I'M ADDICTED! - See...the marketing does pay!}
2 Betty Crocker Warm Delights
2 Nature Valley Nut Clusters
2 Betty Crocker Cookie Mix
1 Nature Valley Trail mix Bars
1 2 liter Mug Root Beer
1 Yo-Plus Yoplait yogurt
total tax: 2.06
total oop: $8.98 (should have been $4.98)
Total saved: $49.10 (90%)
*received $3.50 oyno cat
--Total $1.48 - total savings 97%
Transaction 1
24 Bic highlighter 5-packs $.39/ea
-$1/2 mq = -$.22/per two
1 Softsoap Nutri-serums $3.99
-no q's
4 Glade 2 oz Soy candles $3.29/ea
-Free q = Free
Total tax: $2.52
Total oop: $3.87
Total saved: $87.56 (96%)
**Received $5 rr back + $4 rr for softsoap
Transaction 2
8 Glade 2 oz Soy candles $3.29/ea
-Free q = Free
Total tax: $2.50
Total oop: $2.50
Total saved: $26.32 (91%)
**Received $5 rr back
Walgreens Grand Total: $6.37
Total Saved: $113.88 (96%)
Remaining rr's: $14
Profit: $7.63
Gahh, I need to get my act together and get back out there. I'm wasting deals.
ReplyDeleteDid the register beep on the Bic highlighter overage at Wags?
Yes, it beeped when I got to the last couple. But I have a GOOD Wags and a GREAT cashier and she pushed them through. I even told her I loved her because she understands coupons. She's a couponer too. So I would say overage on this is definitely a YMMV
ReplyDeletecrap- Mel- I just accidentally rejected your last comment. Sorry. I was going to say that I don't know about KMart- They're so expensive. I agree, I wouldn't purchase ceral there. I was wondering about that too- I guess you could give them a call?
ReplyDeleteum- them being the rebate people, not KMart. Obviously they don't know.
ReplyDeletelol, that's ok, I'm getting used to rejection. j/k
ReplyDeleteI'll try to call...I'm not a good caller (ask my family, lol). Was just hoping someone else on the other boards you visit might have and already posted it.
How about any confirmation that sending in the 4 rebates to the different addresses pays off? I could maybe see the Battle Creek and Kalamazoo being different, but the 2 PO boxes in the same cities make me nervous, like they're still going to the same place.
I don't know how rebates work anyway, like how do they know if the same address/household submits more than one? Computer records? If so, couldn't the Kalamazoo people see if the Battle Creek people put your address in or something?
I have several different addresses I use and I have never had a problem with that either. I don't really know how these rebates work, if there's someone manually entering and matching them up or if something else is done. hmmm. Might have to research that.
ReplyDeleteI am wondering where you email about issues with the e-coupons? I had trouble with Shortcuts not taking off my $2/1 Pullups. I tried it in 2 separate transactions at 2 different Kroger locations. Argh!!