3 2 liter Mt.Dew
1 Tide 100oz
2 Tylenol Arthritis
1 Thermacare neck
32 Soyjoy bars
1 water (daughter was thirsty)
Total oop: $19.99
Total savings: $62.03 (I probably could have done this for less oop, but I had two kids and a grandmother in the car)
Total ecb's left: $15 <-- I will probably use these on dog food with my raincheck
Then to Harris Teeter. I do NOT understand their system. So they're supposed to be doubling up to $1.98. I used 7 $1.50 coupons and 4 $1 coupons, all the $1 mq's duobled, but only 4 of the $1.50q's doubled. I just noticed. They owe me $4.50! No wonder I felt like my oop was REALLY high!! Guess I'll be going by there on the way home from GA on Monday.
My fave. Did awesome. Decided to hang onto my charcoal and morningstar rainchecks and do those deals in a few weeks to use the overage on natalya's birthday cake. :) Then they didn't have some things, and I decided not to get other things, so a lot of my trip was on-the-fly addition. I came out pretty good. I had to throw a candy bar on my second order b/c I was in the negative. oops. Saw my favorite cashier (Hi T-Leigh!) and met Kel's favorite. (We even talked about you :) She asked me if "you teach coupon classes too" lol. I needed an override for my # of q's and she came over to input it, then when we were leaving, N asked for a balloon, so she filled one for her and she was talking about Sydney and how you get great deals, etc.) I said yep, we sort of met doing this coupon thing. ;)
Oh- AND When I walked in the door I was doing a serious happy dance!! They had a brand new display of the Summertime Savings booklets, another for the Weigh In booklets and the Keith Urban Fire up the Grill display was restocked! WOOOOHOOO!!! Doug will be thrilled that I won't make him stop at every Publix we pass in GA to find these now. :D

and..the deals:
12 Hefty Fresh Extend bags
2 bunches bananas
4 mangoes
4 Sundown Vitamins
2 Iams dog food
3 ears corn
1 bag potatoes
1 bag carrots
1/4 watermelon
2 Post Trail Mix
2 Frosted Flakes
2 Apple Jacks
16 Kraft bbq sauce
4 loaves Pepperidge Farm bread
4 Glad cling wrap
1 Snickers dark bar
2 Bounty single
2 Kotex pantiliners
8 cans Pedigree dog food
4 jars Mt Olive pickles
6 Family size Lipton Tea Bags
3 Degree Ion
1 8th Cont. Soy MIlk
5 French's Mustard
5 12-packs Mt Dew
Total oop: $14.81
Total Savings: $204.36 (93%)
oh and I stopped in Wags for some Ensure for my grandfather. It's a pretty good deal, and that particular Wags has them for 7.49 instead of 7.99.
I can't put my fingers on the receipts, but I got 3 Ensures and a roll of Scotch tape, a two-pack of erasers and a keychain sharpie marker for about $10. (with $3rr's back) Pretty decent for the Ensure, which my grandmother normally pays full retail for at $8 apiece.
woot woot! great deals! I am wondering about the double coupon where there was no double, maybe they have a limit per item as to how many can double? that is the only thing I can think of, unless someone didnt even scan it!?
ReplyDeleteHey girl. Reading your post while sipping coffee at panera in atlanta. We did four shops yesterday on the way so that we could get some free wine for our wine tasting party. Found lots of flyers. Thinking of you.
ReplyDeleteBtw, harris teeter does not give overage. Their system automatically adjusts the coupons to price of items. -kel
ReplyDeleteI don't know what happened with these q's. All items were over $3, so they all should have doubled. (I know they don't do overage. boo). One q was a $1.50/2, so that one probably caused a blip- I don't know, but the other three should not have been a problem. I will run in there Monday and tell them to pay up! :)
ReplyDeleteKel- glad you found flyers! Let me know if you still need the ones I grabbed for you. I also found the pet one today. :) Since they're all store q's, possible good stacking? So I grabbed a handful.